Pro-tips on how to have the tastiest steak possible

Pro-tips on how to have the tastiest steak possible
  1. Marinade your meat. I use a mixture of Italian dressing, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, spicy mustard, brown sugar, garlic, and black pepper to create a really tasty marinade for your steaks. Marinate for at least 30 mins, ideally overnight. When taking the steak out of the marinade, pat dry before cooking.
  2. I prefer a grill when cooking steak because I love that charred taste you get on the caramelized fat, but anytime you cook a steak indoors – use a cast iron skillet. Get the oiled skillet nice and hot and sear your steak on one side until it is has a nice brown coloring and then flip. When you flip, throw it in a 375 degree oven until you reach your desired temp. 135 degrees for a perfect medium rare. Use a thermometer! It will not let you down and never again will you have dry meat. 
  3. Feel free to pull your steak out of the oven a few degrees sooner then your desired temp as it will continue cooking for a few minutes after pulling from the oven. When you take the steak out, place on a cutting board and let it rest for about 10 mins before cutting it. This will ensure your steak is nice and juicy. 
  4. I can’t stress this enough, ALWAYS finish with salt. You’d be amazed how much extra flavor this adds. If you’re feeling ambitious, top with a really nice and thick balsamic vinegar, some blue cheese while it’s still in the oven, or cook some mushrooms in white wine to serve with your steak.

That’s all that’s too it! Simple and delicious.