Instapot Baby Food

My baby girl is 6 months old, and we have started feeding her soft foods and purees. Let me tell you, baby food is expensive! I decided to look up way to make my own, and I found this amazing post to steam fruits and vegetables in your instapot, puree them in a blender, and then freeze them in ice trays for storage in portions in your freezer. It was SO easy! I highly recommend doing this if you’re baby is at this stage. Find the exact directions here:
Foods I used in my first go :
- Pears
- Carrots
- Zucchini
- Acorn squash
- Sweet potatoes
- Butternut squash
- Broccoli – which I ended up mixing with carrots because my daughter loves carrots and I found the broccoli to taste a bit odd by itself
- Cauliflower
- Beets
She loved all of the flavors I made, and I’m excited to know exactly what I’m giving her. In the future, I plan to also use apples, avocados, beans, blueberries, and more!
These are the ice cube trays I used for this: