About Em

About Em

Hi! I’m Emily. I’ve been cooking all my life and love it! Cooking is my creative outlet where I get to experiment. I truly believe that what you eat affects your daily demeanor. Cooking doesn’t have to be hard, and I plan to prove it! I have a collection of recipes that range from trying random recipes I find online, mimicking cooking videos, and even some Em’s Kitchen originals. In each of my posted recipes, you will find:

  1. The time to cook the recipe
  2. My personal rating of how good the recipe is
  3. A rating on the difficulty of cooking the recipe

Overall, my goal is to have super clear directions, so you don’t waste any time. We are all busy people, so I want you to be efficient. To help, I even scatter some pro-tips throughout the recipes to help make the recipe even easier.

Have feedback, questions, or want me to try a new recipe? Just ask! Feel free to comment on any of my posts, and I will respond shortly. Cheers!

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