Grocery shopping on a budget

Grocery shopping on a budget

Grocery shopping can get expensive fast, so here’s some tricks on how to knock down the cost. 

  1. Only get what you need. Do this by making a list and **trying** to stick to it.
  2. Only buy things when they are on sale. I know you always want to by items like Oreos or Wheat Thins, but if you wait until they are on sale, you save money and appreciate them more. One thing to note with sales, often you see “2 for $5.00″. Don’t get sucked into it unless you need that many. You can buy 1, and the store will honor the sale price for just 1 unless it says otherwise. 
  3. Buy off-brand items. When buying your pantry food, such as canned food, crackers, chips, condiments, etc. go to a store that provides them at a lower cost such as Aldi. If that’s not possible, buy the store brand items instead of name brand, they are usually significantly cheaper and usually taste the exact same.
  4. Sign up for the store card. This results in getting you all the sale prices and coupon books & newsletters. The best part, it’s FREE. 
  5. Use grocery apps. These free apps provide you with savings on select products at your grocery stores and more. The one we frequently use is Ibotta. The cool part about Ibotta is the more friend you have in your group that use it, the more money you get back from Ibotta. Sign up here: and use this code to get $10 immediately: fkuthce